What Is Tantric Massage?

At Dark Massage, we’re often asked what is tantric massage? It’s only natural for clients to want to know exactly what they will experience during their time with their qualified masseuse. In this week’s blog, we take a closer look at tantric touch, what to expect and the benefits of having this massage.


Tantric Massage 

Tantric massage is one of the oldest forms of tantric healing in which both females and males can enjoy. This massage technique involves stimulating your whole body, including your intimate areas. The purpose of this massage is to awaken your sexual energy and encourage both sensuality and mindfulness when it comes to sexual pleasure. For partners, it can allow you to access a deeper level of intimacy and connection between you both.

The tantric massage is about leaning into pleasure through sensuality, releasing energetic blocks and tension, and connecting spiritually with yourself and/or your partner (if experiencing this as a couple). Some forms of tantric massage can include Yoni massage (focused on the vulva), Lingam massage (focused on the penis), and Prostate massage.


What is Tantra?

Tantra is an Eastern philosophy that includes several spiritual concepts. The principles of tantra are often used during tantric massage. However, tantra and tantric are not the same thing. Tantric techniques incorporating tantra principles include breathwork, meditation, energy work and other spiritual practices that can then increase sexual energy.


Do I Need A Tantric Massage?

In our opinion, everyone should experience a tantric massage! The monotonous day to day routine can take its toll. A healthy outlet can increase mental and physical function, as well as improve general quality of life. When we’re asked what is tantric massage, we believe it is the ultimate spiritual and sensual reset, leaving your refreshed, rejuvenated and awakened.

If you feel as if every day is ‘Groundhog Day’, you’re unsatisfied and fatigued, you should consider a professional erotic massage. You simply won’t regret it – trust us.


The Benefits

Tantric massages offer instant results, but did you know that indulging regularly can have long-term benefits? Just some of them include:

  • Better overall cognitive function
  • Decrease in stress and anxiety levels
  • Encourages better sleep
  • Increased emotional awareness
  • Improved mental and physical health
  • Opportunity for consistent and regular you time
  • A better sex life

Importantly, the above points align to allow us to function better in both a personal and professional capacity.


Our Tantric Touch Massage

At Dark Massage, our masseuses have a therapeutic, yet sensual and tantalising approach when it comes to our unique tantric touch experience. We always say that if you’re looking for an introduction into the world of erotic massage, this option is perfect for you.

We start by creating a very relaxing and calm atmosphere for our clients. We also take personal preferences into consideration before we begin. The massage therapist will then slowly begin to touch and massage your whole body with her hands, experimenting with different pressures and techniques. From head to toe, every part of your body will be nurtured and stroked with her hands, allowing you to experience the height of energised pleasure through hand to body contact.

If you’d like, you can even try this with two masseuses for the ultimate tantric experience. Here, two of our female professionals will work to bring you to an erotic tantric peak, leaving you speechless and wanting more…

At Dark Massage, we also offer extras that you can add to your tantric massage package. These include:

  • Allure Mistress – adding an element of dominance to your massage.
  • Allure Royal – summon your masseuse to fulfil your deepest desires.
  • Dreamgirl – let your masseuse incorporate your roleplay fantasies during your time together.
  • Prostate Massage


Discover Our Therapeutic Tantric Touch Today

Still asking what is tantric massage? Well, there’s only one way to find out…

Whether you’re after an incall or outcall service, Dark Massage can accommodate whatever is most comfortable for you! For more information on our hours and prices, click here, or you can always head over to our FAQs page.

Our tantric massage therapists are ready and waiting to give you an erotic experience you’ll never want to end. Simply fill out our contact form, or call us on +447903812969 to experience ultimate pleasure whenever you need it most.